present tense

it’s hard to live in the present

when my love is present tense

and all the memories are past.

I’ve been sitting on theĀ  curb

on the street where we last parted

watching the cars zip by

waiting for you to come along

and take my hand again.

it’s been raining and I’m cold

and wet and I realize that if

I stay out here I won’t survive

yet moving feels like a betrayal.

but lights glisten on the puddles

in the asphalt and I want things

I want you and I just plainĀ want,

so I get up and go about making

my life up from nothing.

first comes school and then work

the typing alone in my room

and serving coffee to strangers

who don’t see past my half-smile,

second comes climbing walls and

trips up a mountain and

the new thrill of lips to a microphone

my own voice coming back at me

through the speakers and money

jangling in the tip jar,

third comes writing all the memories

I never thought I could put to the page

along with dreams I’m scared

will never happen but here I am

writing them down anyway.

perhaps fourth comes an apartment

in a place a bit farther away

a place where I get up in the morning

stretch my toes in the sunlight

and ask the sky how you are

for it sees you more than I these days,

perhaps it is pulling on clothes and

brewing a pot of earl gray

sitting down at the little table

steam curling, kettle warm

setting out two mugs, just in case

just in case you walk through that door

that I just can’t stop watching.

two, too, to?

a bridge half-built

you turned away

I’m still standing

toes over the edge


a bridge half-built

two hands reaching

two hands empty

too far away

too little courage

to make the leap


I wish I could hide behind a sword and shield

wish the fire of love could kindle in magic at my fingertips

I wish the line between dark and light was made more real

wish everything I fear could be battled to death

and everything I long for could be won

by the simple throwing down of the gauntlet

of my own precious life.

fight flight freeze

my instinct tells me

to fight

when the adrenaline kicks in

but with you I must


if we are to survive

and the fight and the flight

cancel each other out

and I am left frozen

heartbeat wild

somewhere in between


I wonder what it would be like

if people knew me

as I was

without cynicism

self-depreciating humor

triggers like the bite of unwanted insects

the blanket of dark that suffocates me

with its constant closeness

I wonder what it would be like

to be me


by me

there are moments I can feel

the memory tugging at me

when I’m reading about the love

of a girl and a boy

the quiet, swift, tender touches between them

or when I fall to pieces in my car in the night

but the girl I used to be is oh so


unwilling to come out

for the pain of it

little do you know she holds herself captive

carried with you

trapped next to the warm beat

of your heart


when I feel so alone I wonder

perhaps it is because no one is feeling

the way I’m feeling about you

perhaps because I’m the only one

who loves you like this

and therefore can’t miss you

the way I am

but I’d rather be lonely

than jealous


I try to be brave

but I think of watching you

from my computer screen

walk across that stage

in your black gown

leaving me behind

and every part of me

is terrified


I find myself retreating more and more

burrowing under the covers

refusing the morning

hiding from the cold outside

and the darkness inside

I hold on to memories like starlight

try to remember

even when it seems impossible

even when all the signs say no

all goodbyes could become untrue

I tell myself from under the blankets

there’s a great Love out there

that has to be enough