
Beads of new blood on my knuckles

The silence of crickets before dawn

Mist on the driveway, the lingering night

Tells no secrets

I wish I could slip through the mist

On muffled feet

Lie down beside you somewhere

Safe and warm

I ask sleep to welcome me back into its arms

The way it used to, curling up

Inside me, but only sometimes

It complies.


the chart asks me to circle how often

I feel this way

boiling all my emotions down to a bunch

of sterile numbers.

it makes me angry, this chart

because it somehow makes me feel ashamed

of being me.

in the end the sum just reads


and that’s all anyone will see.

she says I should talk to someone.

I say I don’t want to

I’ve done enough.

she says I’ll have to come back in a month

and I know I won’t show up.

a list of numbers I’m supposed to call

appointments I’m supposed to keep

all I came for was something

to make the days a little easier

but apparently you can’t get help

without all the baggage that comes with

well-meaning people.

I turn up the radio, pop-punk pumping

press my bare foot against the speaker just to

feel the thump of the bass

to feel anything but this.

don’t they know they make it too hard

when all I want is to disappear?

to not go through this alone?

my heart calls out where are you where are you where are you

I roll the window down, choose the next

louder song but

the volume is maxed out

it’s not enough

I’m not enough

I feel sicker than before I went.


I am sometimes afraid

that when you look at me

you feel nothing at all

when I am feeling

everything at once.

I am sometimes afraid

that when you turn away

it means that I’m not

worth fighting for.

I am sometimes afraid

when I let you walk away

that you’ve forgotten

all you have to do

is speak

and I will stay.

now you know

I say I think you know when you love someone

when it doesn’t matter what they can give you

what they do or don’t do.

it comes from knowing who they are.

he says that’s a cute



he doesn’t believe me.

I know it’s complicated.

I know it sounds too simple to be real.

but I’ve found it to breathe true.

and if you ever wonder when you look at me

if I still love you

now you know.

river call

the river is my most constant friend

I turn to its waters before I would seek

the shelter of arms not yours

I still love it when it rages

it still loves me when I weep

I smile when its banks bloom

it harmonizes when I sing

I cast wishes on pebbles

fingertips find halves of shells in soft mud

the green wind song of the trees

holds me as best it can

cool water kisses my skin

reminds me that I’m awake

I speak your name into the sweet air

and it is not lost

a thunderclap booms like a gift

and I wish you were here to welcome

the warm wild wind with me

to not have to choose

whenever I left you after talking into the night

I balanced the curb of the sidewalk on bare feet

arms out

toes pointed

suspended between my side of the street and yours.

it paralleled the way my life felt like a tightrope walk

one one side my faith

and on the other side, you

and I tottered in between, wanting so badly

to fall straight into your arms

and help you believe too.

even after silence began its reign

I still have been walking that cold, rough line

on one side loving you

on the other side living my life

and hating every step

made harder by wondering

do you still love me?

does God still love me?

do I still love myself?

just a little girl in the dark wanting to be held.

now I’m wondering if I remember

that God loves you as much as He loves me


and will be faithful to love you

and give you every opportunity

every day

to see him as close and real

and undeniable

then perhaps I can stop being so scared.

perhaps I can just remember that you cared

and might still.

perhaps I can believe that God

loves me wholly.

loves the way I love.

lets me choose to love.

never forces but asks.

and is proud of me.

somehow, impossibly

proud of me.

maybe I’ll come to hate myself less.

hate life less.

maybe I can walk this line without

skinning my knees and stumbling blind.

maybe one day this line will be obliterated forever

you’ll take my hand again

take the risk of a yes

and I won’t have to choose.


I wish I could perform an incantation

a spell to keep you safe

designs drawn in chalk on rough wooden floor

miniature rose-colored candles

the sweet fragrance of longing

something I could be sure would work

but of course such wards

only exist in magical tales

and recently I’ve become afraid

I’m not living in one

only you can tell me


it sometimes seems unfair

that your avoidance

the radio silence

doesn’t make me hate you

but hate myself

because as I’ve said before

once you really know someone

love them

you can’t


the third time I see you

I know you’re coming

the third time I see you

I’m there on purpose

the third time I see you

sobs don’t burst out of me

like frightened sparrows

the third time I see you

I’m shaking all over

as I slip past on bare feet

like my molecules are vibrating

with the tension of keeping

a universe of love and pain inside


I feel like a ghost

lost to myself

lost to you

projecting a face

only I

can see through

I need a locus

an anchor

someone to make

life solid again

yet these invisible eyes

can’t seem to focus

on anyone else