I wish I could wear a sign that says
‘not available
it’s complicated’
and everyone would just accept
my hope
and not tell me to just
‘move on already,
here’s my number’
I wish I could wear a sign that says
‘not available
it’s complicated’
and everyone would just accept
my hope
and not tell me to just
‘move on already,
here’s my number’
I’m used to seeing you everywhere
that you’re not
so it’s weird seeing you here
in real life
avoiding my gaze
and not knowing whether it’s less painful
to stay and look
or leave
and so I compromise–
you walk in the door
I look once
I leave
if you ever want me to stay
all you have to do
is look back
I dreamed last night
of your hands in my hair
we risked one touch
an object handed off
from one to the other
and we broke open
the wall came down
and we let our wanting
the world just feels
a little more lonely
a shade colder
when two people
who love each other
stop speaking
I wish I could forget who I am
and slip body and soul
into the books whose pages
I caress with my fingertips
inked scribbles that carry me
through dark stretches of night
I wish I could keep the feeling
of being loved by you
and lose everything else
falling deep into a tornado
of whirlwind colors and laughing danger
living all the stories I once wished
were mine
the event starts at 10:30
and I’m ready to go to bed.
heck, I know I’m like an old granny
but that’s my bedtime now– 10:30
not later than 11:30
and I’ll sleep as long as sleep lets me
10 hours, 12, 13
either that or I won’t sleep well at all
fitful nights and too early mornings.
you were always the early bird.
I was always the night owl.
I miss how we used to make
compromises for each other
you more than I.
I’m not the kid who could stay up
all night lying in the grass
looking up at the stars
talking to you.
if you were here, I could do it again.
on my own I only want to do
the living that happens in my dreams
where no one tells me things are
but if you called me up tonight
asked me to come out on that green
I’d do it. no questions. no answers.
just the two of us
and the sky.
at work my favorite place
is in the back where I can
submerge my hands in the
warm dishwater and not
talk to anybody.
in the front the music that I
used to listen to reminds me of
brick walkways and dusky green
and you
and the essence of those moments
slips into my soul and I
this is just another moment
when I know I could never
stop loving you
even if I wanted to.
I keep telling myself
love in the absence of someone is not
love in the absence of someone is not
people keep telling me I can’t
love you and be happy
but I keep insisting that they’re wrong
all the while hiding in my room telling myself
I’m not waiting for you to rescue me
I feel like it’s possible to love you
while one day, in the future
not now, heaven knows
to be happy
it has to be
but I honestly don’t know how
when the missing echoes
echoes inside even when
I’m trying not to pay it any attention
and as hard as I try not to
ask myself the unanswerable question
I do–
how in the world does this feel
to you?
I call him up because I’m
worried about him. because I
want to know all about the craziness
that is the first two weeks of college
and make sure he’s still doing laundry.
turns out he’s pretty much fine
still standing on his own two feet
challenging the world to a fight
with a mischievous smile
as he always is.
turns out I’m the one who needs
to talk. turns out I’m the one who’s not
fine. turns out I’m the one lost
like I usually am.
he always tells me what he actually
thinks, not what I want to hear
and I’m grateful for it.
but tonight we’re not talking about
economics or music or climbing.
we’re talking about love.
we’re talking about my story.
we’re talking about the thing I never
talk about.
because this week it’s been eating me alive.
he’s an atheist. a nihilist. stubborn and
scientific to a fault. but also
compassionate. also my best friend.
a person I let in when my number one rule is
don’t let anyone in.
he says that I’m not holding on to you.
I’m holding on to air.
he says I’m worshiping the past
not anything in the present.
he says I’m destroying myself
every day
denying myself happiness
denying myself a future.
he says he doesn’t believe in soulmates
(neither do I) but says that if
anything changes for you, and if
you’re right for me,
you’ll come for me.
that if I really believe in a God
and in a plan
then I have to believe that if I
let go of you
you’ll still come back to me
if it’s right.
he says that I chose my faith
but in the end I haven’t chosen anything
if I’m still holding on to you
not trusting my faith at all
letting it wither and die inside me
chewing me up from the inside.
he says he doesn’t care if I believe
I deserve love. he says I can come up
to New York, and fight him if I want.
but he says I do. he says I have
so much compassion inside me. so much
love that he hates to see pooling inside
festering, never to be given away.
never to be loved in return. he says he thinks
I want that. to be loved.
I do.
I say–letting go feels like a betrayal.
I say–I didn’t have a choice.
I say–I don’t want to love anyone else.
I say–I’d rather be alone.
I say–I’m afraid to open myself up again.
I say–dying would be easier than this.
they’re all true.
he’s not saying I need someone. he’s not
saying that I have to be with someone.
he’s saying I deserve to be.
he’s saying he wants me to be happy.
I do too. I do. I do. I do.
I don’t know what to do.
all I know is that I can’t imagine not
loving you forever.
all I know is that I’m afraid
you’ll never love me enough to try.
all I know is that I’m afraid
that it’s over for you
when it’s not for me.
I know I want to be happy.
but I still want it to be with you.
he tells me to be selfish. to choose myself.
I don’t know if I can.
I’m terrified of boys
perfectly innocent boys
guys like the one who says
let’s play music together
and I’m terrified he means
more than that
’cause I know all I can say
to the question of more
is no