
It’s been a while since I’ve written, and

days have spun to months have spun

to almost years like golden thread that

shimmers, disappearing when it catches

the light, so you’re not certain

it was even there at all–

and yet, maybe that’s just the fear

that it was all

a dream

that one day I’ll wake up and there will be


warm breathing body beside me

a hand sprawled close to my pillow

still eyelashes breathing peace


curled furry breathing joy

paws, cold nose

tucked by our feet

taking up entirely too much space

wonderful. wondrous.


how strange it is, how bittersweet

to have a life so good

you’re scared it will melt like

clay off a riverbank

like the sweetest nightdream.

and yet, the moments . . .

a note by the door, a new

record of our favorite song that

blared from the speakers on

our honeymoon, windows down, Maine

pines flashing in the air so close

I can smell their sticky richness, blending

with the sharp salt of the wild, flailing sea –

now, dancing with our dog in the

warm yellows of the living room

paws in hands, dinner on the couch

as we listen to the clear tones

gasping into a laugh as we hear

the echoes behind the melody we

could never hear before in the record’s

crisp resonance.

this–this. how could this not

be real,


I once thought the same

many times before

and now it’s all


but maybe


I’ve endured enough



this unspoken promise

in the way you look at me

all shining love and green mischief

in the way her heartbeat thuds

under fur beneath my hand–

maybe this

can be


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